Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Developing Teaching Materials of Mathematics for Junior High School

Every teacher do teaching learning process appropriate with curriculum that have decided. It occur in all learning activity in each school. Teacher give the material from content in curriculum. With watch the curriculum every teacher know which one that will give to their student and be learned. Teacher give learning according the curriculum that inside consist standard of competence, basic competence, indicators, purpose, and so forth. Curriculum also can help teacher to get references for their teaching. Good teaching learning process is inovative that can make student improve their characteristic or their special ability. Each student has characteristic that can build them in certain ability. From the guidance of teacher the student can improve thair ability. Because every student have different characteristic, teacher need to be more give attention and need to remember each characteristic off their students. As good teacher, effort is need for better quality to the future.
When teaching learning process do in class, teacher need to have approach that can be eficient in learning. Contextual learning need to be given for the student, especially for mathematics knowledge. It is very important to implant the good mindset of mathematics to every student, beacuse like we know people still always think about how difficult to learn mathematics. But basically if people have will and hard effort, thing like difficult in learning something will be do with smooth and useful for our progression. In learning a science we need to get the constructivisme off what we learned. Then teacher need to constructivist in explain the knowledge. In mathematics concept should be able implant in student thinking,in order to give relief for them in studying mathematics. But it not enough just always give concept with concrete example. Real example can be always be prior, because we need to convinces about the usage off knowledge that have been learned.
With some example in real live the student will get the realistic of mathematics. Realistic mathematics is important for thinking development. Everyone will find something that may important with learning mathematics and get relation of mathematics with problem in daily life. Mathematics exist because there are many problem in live that can not only solve just by theory. In mathematics each mathematics solution have relation with daily problem. For simple example like in purchase and sale always connected with mathematics, or architecture and also motor technology that need mathematics to get precision quantification that give maximal product. People just seldom knowing that things in their live or their problem sometimes need to be link with mathematics. It because they not really know how important if they seriously learn meaning of mathematics. Look at some problem that happened, teacher should give learning to their students with problem based learning. Students will find out problem that need to be relation with mathematics to solve or not. In last part of learning teacher can give implementation about the material that have been learned with daily life problem. With that hope everyone will know about mathematics problem around them.
Cooperative learning can do in order to make student able to do cooperation with other. Do cooperation in teaching learning also can be fun with some exercise that make the student anthusias in doing that with help each other to learn solve the problem together. It can produce not only mathematics knowledge but it can give benefit to create student that not individually and learn them about cooperation is important when it come to a problem that need to be solve together.
The teacher should choose good method of learning that can able do by student. Teacher need to observe how their student study and give teaching learning method that appropriate with the student. Basically discussion method with divide student be some small group will give student relief in do exercise, but it just for work that need to do together. In matheamatics inquiry method also can do in order to understanding the process of concept be present. Inquiry can do by individual, but it also can do variation like combine with discussion method then the student do experiment together to find understanding about what they learn. To sharpen the student thinking with give them practical work can helping out in solve the problem that need equation to solve it. Practical work also can combine with discussion, but it will more take effect if it give as individual work. With individual work the student will do exercise more, and it can do in outclass as homework for student. It clear that with individual work student will work more active with give homework for them.
Generally solving mathematics problem can do by everyone if they practice solving problem. People sometimes forget how to solve mathematics problem that they meet. Problem solving is way to practice student solve mathematics problem with smooth. It can improve the student ability in equation, make them fast and more precision in doing solving problem. In test the student can answer the question without doubt, they will courage to do the work individually without depend on oteher people around them. But it still not enough if problem solving just easy problem, it need to increase the difficulty level to develope ability.
As teacher know that teaching learning process need to do depend on curriculum, so teacher need to give good prepare do teaching learning process that appropriate with standard of competences in curriculum. Lesson plan must teacher make before they do teaching learning. Lesson plan contain standard of competences, basic competences, indicator, learning purpose, learning material, time allocation, teaching method, learning activity, and evaluation. It all should appropriate with student competences, then teaching method is one important thing that can help teacher do teaching learnnig process so the student can understand with material that to be learn.
Student worksheet given by teacher to their student to facilitate the student in learning so the student can follow leaning process with good. Teacher need to advice student that less spirit in studying, and always ask the student to bring textbook for their media. In do teaching learning teacher may need teaching aids that can help teacher give explanaition to their student. In mathematics many teaching aids needs, media that can give example teaching material. Concrete media is one good choice to give student understanding about the concept that they learn and how thing that can not say as concept.
All implementation in teaching learning process need to be prepare with maximal to give the best for the student. Teacher maybe just to facilitate for the student, but although just to facilitate if the facilitate can give best role it will be very useful. Teacher need to have preparation in their teacher learning process and avoid something that can make the student be confuse about what they learn. It all contains in how teacher facilitate their student with their best.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Way of Mathematics Teaching

Weekend analyze of education not only mathematics but also general education through variation ways. That thing can be useful in education development better, especially for teacher candidate in future. Analyze education may need all thing that have role in education. Small example try to understand the aspect of education then compare idea between each educator. Experience need to be compare with other to get more knowledge that we have not known yet. If in past we learn with traditional method, now we need to think about how it is inovative method. Inovative method paradigm not same with paradigm in traditional method of teaching.

Inovative method in teaching learning maybe better than traditional method, but we need to know how characteristic of the student. Maybe the way of student think unable to get inovative method, so we need make student adaptation in learning with inovative method. The thing that make different in both method is because each people different in their characteristic. In mathematics each science identic with abstraction but it will can be more undertsand by give concrete object in learn mathematics if it science can use with  concrete object. Teaching learning will work better if teacher mind and student mind corespondent. Paradigm in teaching method should have system that can describe theory well to make understanding in learn about that theory. In mathematics education teaching learning must compatible with curriculum, so syllabi made by teacher and suitable with the curriculum. Syllabi will useful to help teacher make lesson plan and help teacher makee that lesson plan also consider the student’s condition. Curriculum or syllabi will guide the teacher to make lesson plan that need design as beginning though to make scheme in teaching and determine how model that will do. With all that thing teaching learning program can be work smoothly. Teacher candidate need to practice like do teachinglearning activity in institute or organization to explore teaching ability. Teacher must able to give example about what they teach for student, like the usage mathematics in daily life also need to be know by the student. To do teaching learning well, teacher need to know difference between traditional and inovative teaching method. 

In traditional method transfer of knowledge just by the teacher or it can say controled by the teacher and student just listen what teacher teach to them. Traditional method not like inovative method that make student construct knowlege with their own and the duty of teacher is to facilitate the student. For mathematics traditional method just make mathematics itself as an outsider object but in inovative method the object is mathematics or math is the student themselves. The point in mathematics inovative teaching method is to make student active in learning activity or the student be the center in teaching learning and teacher just facilitate them. In order to explore student knowledge teacher should facilitate well to make the student active in teaching learning process. It not only just in mathematics education but also in general education. So it be teacher responsibility to pursue it for student sake and for better future.