Rabu, 18 April 2012

Developing Scientific Publication

Education always developing every year in order to improve the human quality that can able to do better live. But although education development do every year, there are some trouble to realize it. Development in education depend some factor like teacher, student, school, education department and some other thing that have relation to education. Some effort should do when education start to developing. Research activity is one of effort that can give important information and show how education work in a education institution. The result of education research can wirte in a scientific publication. It can be very help because it based on fact and nothing that can be changes without information that not appropriate with that fact. In scientific publication some important thing need to be attention, so it can give good development in education.

When build a scientific education that most important is how to relate the theories and the fact. Examine theories should have relation to the fact from the research activity. Some theories use to advocate the process of identity the problem and to search the problem in education. Research result must be the fact in education activity that maybe it do in a school or other education institution. The fact itself is data from object research. If it in school then the object can be the student, the teacher , or the school itself. Investigation do not all of the component but some part then it be compared. After research have done, then we can do data analysis. Data analysis is theory or how to nalyze the data that we get. Data analysis relate with some theories that can be prove in fact. Theory is one of normative part in scientific publication. Theories is important to increase our knowledge that can use to find the problem in our research activity so we know what that will be our research.
The theories can find in journal, or maybe other scientific publication that also refer to the theories that used. It will have relation with ideology, phylosophy or other thing that have normative characteristic. Rules also need in convey the theories. Some journal give important information about the theories and it based on some theories that related in a collection of theories. When people will make scientific publication, they will search some journal to be their references.
Collection data from research can do with observation or interview. Observation procedures need be our attention so the information that we get not lack of purpose. Also knowing the meaning of observation for good observation activities. Observe the object to know the context of observation patterns is important in do observation activities. Collected data don’t random but it need to be structured because analysis data can’t do if it too carelessly get the information as data analysis.
Before we full make the scientific publication we need to make proposal first, then it will tested by the expert that have relation with what that will published. The main idea delivered inside the proposal, so the title also need choosed appropriate with the main idea. The proposal contain problem formulation from what will be the research activities. The way to get the problem formulation is with theoritical review where we get idea from review some theories that relate with our research activities. Methodology or approach sure need inside proposal. Methodology to get the information in observation, methodology to analyse data, to conclude, it all in research methodology. Then after it data analysis write inside proposal. How we analyze the data observation also write in proposal, then we can get the conclusion. Not forget references is always there in proposal, because it can give information for other people if it not like plagiarism and the references itself is a creation of other people.
In education sure the research activities is on school, so school observation must be do in order to get information as data. We can do observation in whole school cover teacher activities, student activities, school environment, or maybe other part in school that need to be inspect. Generally when it comes to school observation usually research do with observe the teaching learning activities in a school. Teaching learning process and teaching learning process each school have different way facilitate the student when study. Indirect if we observe way of teaching learning in a school it will also need to check other part besides student activities like how teacher do teaching learning and like what school environment advocate teaching learning process in a school. So we do case study in a school that be our object. Observation happen in classroom to get information about the way of teaching learning. Classroom is one part that most often be object observation, because most og teaching learning activities do in classroom. Although it like that. Methodoly teaching learning also need to be observed with observe the lesson study from the teacher. Observe the lesson study can give us important information about how teaching learning in classroom work.
Need more times to get information will lead us know a lot information in research activities that can help us find the problem and conclude that problem as for information in education sector. In observation we collect data and analyze the data, so we need instrument to do that all. We need to developing instrument that can help us in do research activites. Instrument is tool that use to collect the data in observation. Interview is a instrument that use when we observe someone. It will work good to help us get information, because it take information direct from the object. But it will take more time when the quantitiy of object of interview so many. Other way we can use questionnaire to get information, but it seems less accurate. Questionnaire maybe less accurate because people fill the questionnaire consider their will in fill it.
After all the data collected then that data analized to get conclusion in observation activity. Statistic have role to do analysisi data, the data collecte and fill in table to make analysisi easier. We can analyze the data manually with statistic. But it will be more efficient if we can use computer media to analyze the data collection. Just use the statistic formula and fill the content of the formula then the result come out. But if we use computer media we need to sudy how to conclude based calculation result information, so we can get conclusion about what result of our research. The last thing in make scientific publication we need to compose each part that important to be written in scientific publication. It will give information to other people and also can developing education sector to go better.

Scientific publication made from research activity to know about the problem in a school or education institution. It can give information that good or bad thing in education that need to be attention. If people can know how to give good education sure it can help to developing human resources that more valuable and have ggod quality. It all for better life in future, so scientific publication very important in education sector because it make the researcher that make the scientific publication know how to do good thing in education for give best result in education activity. All part in research activity useful to recover education that still not yet give good teacher learning in education.

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