By: Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by: Hany Tri Wahyono
Appropriate with government policy that will immediately apply curriculum based competence, so various parties that concerned (stake holder) must immediately take steps in order to appropriate learning system with its curriculum. So plan, implementation, and evaluation system of learning goes well it need arrangement general guidelines and special guideline of syllabi development. General guidelines are guidance for all study, while the special guidelines are guidance for certain study, for example special guidelines mathematics syllabi development. General guidelines contain concept, principal, and general steps in syllabi based competence development, be expected can be reference for junior high school teachers in preparing syllabi based competence.
The competence that developed be expected trainees can possess competence like understand the concept of curriculum based competence, understand concept, principal, and general steps in developing general syllabi and mathematics syllabi based competence for junior high school then developing it, also give feed-back and search solution from problems that determined on its implementation.
Syllabi format is form of presentation syllabi’s content that consist of standard competence, basic competence, indicator, subject matter, study experience, media and testing, while the systematic syllabi describe the sequence of presentation its syllabi parts. Syllabi format made in such a way as to teachers or user can learn and practice syllabi easily. Packaging syllabi is physic form from syllabi. Packaging syllabi determined based consideration of practicality in reading, bring, use or save. Appropriate with that principle packaging mathematics syllabi be realized in the form of print media and be bound, for simplify usage and dissemination, syllabi form can also packed in form of computer files that saved in disk.
Preparation steps of mathematics syllabi based competence is series of activity that begins with philosophy studies mathematics development, included in it is preparation of the scientific structure. The steps in preparing mathematics syllabi are identification subject, deployment and sequencing basic competence, determine basic competence, determine learning materials and description, determine study experience, set time allocation, source material, and also development of learning units.
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