Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Mathematics Learning by Competencies-Based Curriculum in Vocational High School

By: Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by: Hany Tri Wahyono

The mathematics teachers in general experience difficult to handle different mathematics skill from their students. In outline, the problem of mathematics learning can be distinguished that is between traditional mathematics practice learning and which is progressive.
Plan and development the curriculum is a work that need deep research and comprehensive to fulfill eligibility requirements. Dynamic development of Indonesia demand that curriculum develop need attention like current issue in education, the problem that appear in field, various school, educational personnel, students interest and skill, and public development demand, science and technology. Mathematics education based on competence emphasize on the ability that should owned by graduates, so curriculum developed by elaboration from standard competence be basic skills. Standard competence is ability that can do or showed in mathematics learning, while the basic skills are minimal ability in mathematics that students should possess. Basic ability can form affective ability, cognitive as well as psychomotor ability.
Main problems in mathematics learning related with learning objectives, way to achieve the objectives and how to know that objectives have been reached. Because of that, mathematics syllabus need to be prepared so can contain outlines of learning material that refer to mathematics characteristic appropriate with competence that to be achieved. Mathematics have characteristic as activity to search patterns and relationship. It needs creativity that contains imagination, intuition and discovery. Mathematics as problem solving activity and also can be communication tools. That mathematics characteristic need to combine with student’s characteristic, so they can do mathematics learning with more responsible.
Learning material developed by basic competence, and allowed with material description and writing a learning experience. Identification subject involve subject’s name (SMU/MAN/SMK), level of schooling (class/semester). If required so can plus information about initial capability of students, levels of ability and their characteristic. Deployment mathematics basic competence selected from mathematics content that have valid by expert and compiled by simple way to a more complex principle, and concrete to abstract. Basic competence is minimal ability in subjects that should be do or shown by students from basic competence of mathematics courses. Each basic competence can elaborate be three until six basic competence with uses verbs that operational.

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