Selasa, 22 November 2011

Pendekatan Iceberg dalam Pembelajaran Pecahan di SMP : Simulasi Guru Sebelum Kegiatan Lesson Study

Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by : Hany Tri Wahyono

Standar nasional dari pengajaran matematika di indonesia adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, meliputi kompetensi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotorik. Itu berarti bahwa pemerintah mendorong guru untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan secara optimal untuk mendukung kegiatan siswa. Siswa perlu mengembangkan kemampuan problem solving. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan, siswa perlu dengan kreatif mengembangkan bermacam-macam cara dan alternative, untuk mengembangkan model matematika, dan untuk memperkirakan hasil. Disarankan bahwa dalam belajar mengajar matematika secara dasar, siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah matematika yang bersifat kontekstual dan realistis.
Pendekatan kontekstual dan realistis dianjurkan dikembangkan oleh guru  untuk mendorong berpikir matematis dalam sekolah dasar. Dengan pendekatan tersebut, ada harapan bahwa siswa langkah demi langkah mempelajari dan menguasai matematika dengan penuh semangat. Untuk membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar mereka pada matematika dasar lebih efektif, guru juga perlu mengembangkan sumber-sumber lain seperti teknologi informasi, alat bantu pembelajaran dan medi alainnya.
Banyak guru membawa banyak pemahaman informal dari pecahan untuk usaha mereka dalam mengembangkan model iceberg (gunung es) untuk mengajarkan pecahan. Dalam mengembangkan model iceberg dari pengajaran, guru mengharapkan bahwa ada kecenderungan kalau siswa mereka akan berpikir pecahan tidak hanya sebagai suatu bilangan tapi juga bagian dari bilangan rasional. Walaupun model iceberg memperkuat siswa untuk membangun konsep mereka sendiri tentang pecahan, masih ada kesulitan bagi siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dinyatakan secara simbolis. Bagaimanapun, mereka mampu untuk mengatasi masalah serupa yang dinyatakan dalam konteks situasi dunia nyata. Kebanyakan dari guru mengakui bahwa representasi dari pecahan dapat menjadi sangat abstrak dan tugas sulit bagi para siswa. Tetapi sebenarnya, mereka juga menemukan bahwa model iceberg adalah pendekatan yang sangat penting dan berguna untuk mengajarkan pecahan di SMP.

Senin, 14 November 2011

Acculturation of Mathematics in School Nation to Achieve Excellence

By: Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by: Hany Tri Wahyono

Acculturate mathematics in school have understanding aspects about mathematics substances, school mathematics substances, mathematics education substances, mathematics value substances, mathematics studying substances, mathematics teaching learning process substances, acculturate school mathematics substances. Mathematics acculturate need to familiarize in teaching learning process. Mathematics learning that show development have some way to improve the mathematics learning. Acculturate mathematics to get nation excellence can obtained through innovation mathematics learning track in school. Some activity that do by author in some mathematics PLPG activity, seminar activity and mathematics workshop, obtained teacher perception that mathematics learning innovation must capable some challenge in actual practice.
Some problem can’t be solved because it based in thing that is just formal that can reach in criticism outside from mathematic itself. Mathematics that promoted itself in implicit actually have value. Abstract is a value towards concrete, a formal value towards informal, objective toward subjective, justification toward discovery, rationality toward intuition, logical toward emotion, etcetera. If critic can be approved, actually their view about formal mathematics that neutral and free value also is a value that stick in mathematics itself and difficult to be seen. In effort to get or learn objective knowledge of mathematics, student maybe need to develop procedure like following step that made other people, make informal step, decide first step, use step that have developed, defining step so can be understand people, comparing some step, and adjust step. Through that step, student will get mathematics concept that have actualized in student themselves, also student should get chance to do publication activity like some task that appropriate with themselves.
To can acculturate mathematics it needs understanding about the mean of mathematics in some dimension. Dimension of mathematics meaning can be seen from mathematics dimension side that for concrete things object and mathematics dimension for mind object. Mathematics communication involves material communication, formal communication, normative communication and spiritual communication. In relation with mathematics learning so we can more suitable to define mathematics as school mathematics, but for college level we define mathematics as formal mathematics or axiomatic. Mathematics acculturation can contribute on nation excellence through mathematics learning innovation that do continuously. In relation to get nation excellence so we can think mathematics, mathematics learning as well as mathematics education in some hierarchy level or intrinsic, extrinsic or systemic level.

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Reformation Movement to dig and Developing Mathematics Values to reach back Values of Nation Sublime toward Standard National Education

By: Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by: Hany Tri Wahyono

National education reformation can do in two different levels that are according to macro and micro. According to macro, national education reformation must can renew vision and developing education paradigm and to scrape off until end the problems in education with still maintain and improving quality and professionalism and also make public effort to aim new Indonesian that open public, democratic, and united. For an education practical (teachers), education reformation in macro level for some case is out of coverage think and ability. But remember teachers is key of success in education, so the teachers can role as object all at once as subject from education reformation with improving teaching ability and class organization. But in fact to educate is not easy because students get that study is actually not easy. Still there is a different that enough big between to educate idealism and practice in field.
Mathematics education can be seen from ontologism context, epistemologies and etiologies in intrinsic values limits, extrinsic and systemic. For a mathematics learner self so mathematics values that lowest is if just use for self, the values that greater if mathematics can use for public importance. But highest mathematics values is if with systemic can use for importance that expand. But mathematics values that developed must together with critical thinking because mathematic not other is critical thinking itself.
Mathematics sharpness capable to look future through teleology concept that what happen in future can know from now. But still there are other values that have relation with quality improvement. In first quality mathematics values just visible in outside, but in second and third quality etcetera mathematics values have be metaphysic. With analog thinking so what that happen in mathematics values also can use in values of nation sublime. Values of nation sublime can be getting with method to translate and translated from context past journey, present and future. This is that then people know with hermeneutic method.
In education, teachers continuous need to evaluate lacks or advantages their teaching to get information for perfection their teaching. For it teachers need get support and help from other side that have connection like headmaster and school owner, so they can give good teaching learning, but it also need headmaster role to give help, owner and supervisor redefinition so education environment condition more conducive for teacher and student to developing themselves.