Senin, 14 November 2011

Acculturation of Mathematics in School Nation to Achieve Excellence

By: Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by: Hany Tri Wahyono

Acculturate mathematics in school have understanding aspects about mathematics substances, school mathematics substances, mathematics education substances, mathematics value substances, mathematics studying substances, mathematics teaching learning process substances, acculturate school mathematics substances. Mathematics acculturate need to familiarize in teaching learning process. Mathematics learning that show development have some way to improve the mathematics learning. Acculturate mathematics to get nation excellence can obtained through innovation mathematics learning track in school. Some activity that do by author in some mathematics PLPG activity, seminar activity and mathematics workshop, obtained teacher perception that mathematics learning innovation must capable some challenge in actual practice.
Some problem can’t be solved because it based in thing that is just formal that can reach in criticism outside from mathematic itself. Mathematics that promoted itself in implicit actually have value. Abstract is a value towards concrete, a formal value towards informal, objective toward subjective, justification toward discovery, rationality toward intuition, logical toward emotion, etcetera. If critic can be approved, actually their view about formal mathematics that neutral and free value also is a value that stick in mathematics itself and difficult to be seen. In effort to get or learn objective knowledge of mathematics, student maybe need to develop procedure like following step that made other people, make informal step, decide first step, use step that have developed, defining step so can be understand people, comparing some step, and adjust step. Through that step, student will get mathematics concept that have actualized in student themselves, also student should get chance to do publication activity like some task that appropriate with themselves.
To can acculturate mathematics it needs understanding about the mean of mathematics in some dimension. Dimension of mathematics meaning can be seen from mathematics dimension side that for concrete things object and mathematics dimension for mind object. Mathematics communication involves material communication, formal communication, normative communication and spiritual communication. In relation with mathematics learning so we can more suitable to define mathematics as school mathematics, but for college level we define mathematics as formal mathematics or axiomatic. Mathematics acculturation can contribute on nation excellence through mathematics learning innovation that do continuously. In relation to get nation excellence so we can think mathematics, mathematics learning as well as mathematics education in some hierarchy level or intrinsic, extrinsic or systemic level.

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