Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Learning Problems of Mathematics in School

By: Dr. Marsigit, M. A
Reviewed by: Hany Tri Wahyono

Majority mathematics teachers still implementing traditional mathematics learning that is mathematics learning with depend on single method expository with cycle: explain, give example, offering question and give exercise in classical. With method like that so mathematics teacher have difficulty in: serving various needs/demand from students in learning mathematics, encourage students low achievement to improve their academic achievement, encourage students active study, use and develop mathematics props and encourage students to cooperative study.
Through activity cycle diagnosis, therapeutic and improvement, intended to develop method of mathematics learning that can satisfy needs/various demand of students academic, improve learning achievement, encourage students study more active, develop props and encourage cooperative. This action research limit itself within the scope of teaching style from the teacher that reflected by learning model that developed in a certain class during the time that has been determined as well. Thus learning context that fixed is classroom, students and teachers themselves, while learning context that change is learning model, learning style and other learning aspect including material, teaching resources, and learning time.
Development model of mathematics learning through research action to overcome difficulties teachers service for their students give positive impact, but in implementation experiencing barriers technical, academic, socio-cultural.
Teacher’s effort in meeting the various demands of students academic, encourage students low achievement to improve their achievement, encourage students active study, and encourage students cooperative study can do with: developing students worksheet, formation of study groups, development class/group discuss method, and development props and education media.
In general, teachers have tried developing learning method appropriate with action research purpose, but teachers experience technical difficulties, academic and fundamental. Technical difficulties teachers in developing learning method are unavailability tools or facilities for learning needs. Difficulties teacher academic in developing leaning method is yet incompatibility teacher perception about mathematics learning method with meaning of learning method appropriate theory that referred.

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